Charles Street Area Council (“CSAC”) was established in 1973 as a nonprofit, community-based advocacy organization for residents of (what was then known as) Pleasant Valley and California-Kirkbride on the Northside in Pittsburgh, PA. The resident-focused organization was founded by residents who created the first housing advocacy groups in the 1960’s {Citizens Against Slum Housing (C.A.S.H.) and Neighborhood Housing Services which developed into a housing model that is now known as NeighborWorks and used nationwide. Charles Street Area Corporation, the reemerging organization’s name, is a small, nonprofit, community development corporation that engages in community development activities- focusing on Charles St Valley in Perry South and the Northside. CSAC’s mission is to improve the plight of low-moderate income people by providing access to resources and services that aid individual self-sufficiency to revitalize the community.