Thank you for utilizing the region’s most effective, targeted resource for posting your nonprofit, philanthropic, government and association/society opening. We’re happy that you’ve landed here. If you have any questions at all about how our job board works, please give us a call. We’re here to help and want to make sure your organization’s valuable resources are being used in the most effective manner. Call Todd Owens – 412.512.3879, or

Please note: All postings must be reviewed and approved before it will appear on the job board. In most cases your opportunity is posted during the same business day. We guarantee your posting will be live by the following business day.

Is my organization in compliance with EEOC Employment Policies and Practices?

  • 1. Select plan
  • 2. Create listing
  • 3. Preview listing
  • 4. Purchase



{{selected_plan.price|formatPrice}} {{selected_plan.billing_cycle|formatBillingCycle}}

{{formatJobSlots(selected_plan.job_slots)}} {{selected_plan.billing_cycle|formatBillingCycle}}



You have jobs in draft state. Click here to keep editing them.

Use credits



Select a plan


{{plan.price|formatPrice}} {{plan.billing_cycle|formatBillingCycle}}

{{formatJobSlots(plan.job_slots)}} {{plan.billing_cycle|formatBillingCycle}}



Sign in

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About your organization

Please fix the errors below and resubmit.

Your account couldn't be created. Please try again later.

An account is already associated with this email. Please reach out to if you have questions.

We recommend using a 200x200 or higher-res square image, such as your Twitter or Facebook avatar.

External links

Create your employer account

You are creating your first job.


About your job

Please fix the errors below and resubmit.

  • {{}}

Job type

Job category

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Pay and post Post for free

Administrator must connect Stripe account to process payments.




{{}} {{selected_plan.price|formatPrice}} {{selected_plan.billing_cycle|formatBillingCycle}}

{{}} {{upsell.price|formatPrice}}

Coupon discount - {{coupon.amount_off|formatPrice}} {{coupon.percent_off}}%

{{tax_rate.display_name}} ({{tax_rate.percentage}}%) {{tax_total_price|formatPrice}}

Total {{total_price|formatPrice}}

Due now {{total_price|formatPrice}}

Pay with previously used payment method:


Pay with credits:


This is an invoice-only plan.

Once your job is posted, a payment invoice will be sent to your email.
