For more than a century, the Cleveland Foundation has partnered with our donors to improve the lives of residents in Cuyahoga, Lake and Geauga counties. Make a difference by giving to your community foundation.
The Cleveland Foundation exists to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Greater Cleveland. Our ability to achieve this mission and to foster a commitment to excellence can best be pursued if our workforce, grantees, donors, partners, vendors and governing body include individuals of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives.
The foundation believes that diversity encompasses, but is not limited to, age, gender, race, national origin, religious beliefs, physical abilities and characteristics, sexual orientation, economic circumstances, and lifestyle. Thus the foundation is committed to fostering a supportive work environment that respects and appreciates diversity in its many forms and provides all staff members with an opportunity to maximize the use of their work-related skills and talents. The foundation seeks to work with external organizations that reflect, as a group, the diversity of the Greater Cleveland community. We look for grantees and business partners that include individuals of varied backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives. We encourage all organizations with which we work to recognize and embrace the benefits of diversity.
Finally, in order to achieve the highest standards in all our activities, it is important that the foundation benefit from the perspectives of many different segments of the community. Toward this end, we seek to collaborate with donors of varying means and interests. In addition, we encourage those individuals and organizations who appoint members to our board of directors to seek community leaders who will bring varying points of view to board deliberations.