The Education Law Center-PA is a statewide civil rights advocacy organization that has played a leading role on key issues of educational equity since 1975. ELC employs a broad range of strategies to ensure that all children in Pennsylvania have access to a quality public education, including direct legal representation, impact litigation, educating stakeholders, supporting community-based groups, and engaging in policy advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels. Our work focuses on issues of access and equity for students historically underserved by public education, including students of color, students with disabilities, multilingual learners, LGBTQ and gender non-conforming youth, students experiencing homelessness, and students involved in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. We work to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline, advocate for fair funding for public schools, and ensure that all children have access to the full range of public education opportunities. We provide services statewide through our offices in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.