Garfield Jubilee Association, Inc. (GJA) is a Christian-based, non-profit, community development organization that was established in 1983. GJA’s Mission is “to strengthen communities in Garfield, the East End and Pittsburgh Region through the manifestation of the Love of God”. The Vision Statement is to “be premier service provider in transforming lives.” GJA is governed by a board of directors who reside in Garfield and the City of Pittsburgh who have expertise in management, sales, health, legal, and community development. Its core programs are housing development and workforce development, comprehensive housing counseling and donated goods to the community. The major program is workforce development, which has provided a successful program called YouthBuild for eighteen years. The YouthBuild program provides educational and occupational training to youth 16 to 24 years of age who have left high school or have graduated with reading and math deficiencies. GJA provides academic and occupational training, intensive case management, career and job readiness, life skills, community service learning, leadership training, and supportive services.