Green Building Alliance (GBA) advances innovation in the built environment by empowering people to create environmentally, economically, and socially vibrant places. As Western Pennsylvania’s founding authority on sustainable design, GBA drives the market for healthy communities while equipping designers, manufacturers, developers, educators, and policymakers to catalyze systemic change. Named one of the Pittsburgh Business Times’ Best Places to Work, GBA offers competitive compensation packages, flexible work schedules as needed, investment in ongoing personal and professional development, jovially intelligent co-workers, a strong purpose-driven team atmosphere, and a commitment to helping every building and community be sustainable so every person can thrive.
The2030 Districtencompassing Pittsburgh, Erie and the western PA regionis the largest in the world with over 900 committed buildings working collaboratively toward 50% reductions in energy use, water consumption, and transportation emissions by the year 2030, while improving indoor air quality.