Our organization originated when a young, disengaged African-American man met Pittsburgh Public High School art teacher Frank Ross in the 1960s. Ross mentored our Founder & Executive Chairman Bill Strickland throughout his teenage years. He impressed upon Strickland the powers of art, education and community and helped him obtain entrance to the University of Pittsburgh.
Manchester Bidwell Corporation (MBC) combines many seemingly disparate elements – adult career training, youth arts education, jazz presentation and botanical sales – into a dynamic whole with a proven record of positively changing the lives of underserved populations in the Pittsburgh-area.
MBC is an empowering atmosphere of art, light and music. The beauty we’ve designed into our center isn’t window dressing; it’s an essential part of our success. The environment we’ve created at MBC gives people of all ages the opportunities and tools they need to envision and build a better, brighter future for themselves.