The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) is a national democratically-run union that has been helping workers organize themselves since 1936. UE is generally considered to be the most democratic and politically progressive union in the United States. The aims and values of UE are best summarized in the Preamble to the UE Constitution, which is unchanged since 1936:
“We, the Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (UE) realize that the struggle to better our working conditions is in vain unless we are united to protect ourselves collectively against the organized forces of the employers. Realizing that the old craft form of trade union organization is unable to defend effectively the interests and improve the conditions of wage earners, WE... form an organization which unites all workers on an industrial basis, and rank and file control, regardless of craft, age, sex, nationality, race, creed or political beliefs, and pursue at all times a policy of aggressive struggle to improve our conditions. We pledge ourselves to labor unitedly for the principles herein set forth, to perpetuate our union and work concertedly with other labor organizations to bring about a higher standard of living of the worker.”
UE has expanded beyond our traditional industries to represent a diverse range of occupations: rail crew drivers, hospital workers, co-op workers, federal contract workers, teachers, paraeducators, clerical workers, graduate workers, scientists and librarians. We maintain city and county roads, drive school buses, conduct research in university laboratories, and are employed in hundreds of other occupations. Indeed, we pride ourselves as being a “Union for Everyone,” and we welcome any group of workers who want to join a militant, democratic union.